February 16, 2025

Ongoing Marketing

In today’s world, there is no secret sauce to marketing. What works for you and your business may or may not work for another business. Marketing is all about trial and error, learning if something works for your business and keeping it going. You should have a good sense of where to market, where you will find most of your customers. But, if a marketer comes to you and says they have a proven strategy to boost your marketing, you should be weary. Due to so many marketing channels, there is not proven strategy.

Gaining from my 17+ years of experience, I can tell you that marketing in multiple channels and social media accounts is going to help boost your brand awareness and gain momentum for clients when they do see your advertising and marketing where they find you. Some marketing and advertising is going to work better then others. It is best to have a good mix of marketing. Having social media accounts with consistent posts while engaging the users is really good at boosting awareness. Most brands still need to be found on the web, having their own website to drive that traffic towards. This also helps in search engine boosting, the search engine spiders see that your brand is being engaged in multiple web pages and social media accounts and this will help boost your natural search engine rankings.

Affiliate marketing is going to help boost a brands awareness. Working with companies that do similar services, or have similar services will help your brand or service be seen. A client will remember seeing a brand in another location and want to engage naturally just by seeing the brand in multiple locations.

Having a website and blog with posts to show that you are an expert in your field is going to also help boost your brand awareness. The more blog posts with meaning and useful information for a client will show the user doing research that you know what you are talking about and help them in future decisions to engage with your brand.

Television and radio engagement are going to help reinforce a brand by building a memory bank in a clients mind that you are the #1 go to for a brand or service, it is a natural assistant to the web and social media postings you have going. So if a user sees your brand on TV or hears on the radio, they may remember when they get home to go to their smart device and engage with you in one avenue or another. TV is trackable, but can be very expensive. A lot of brands need a big budget to keep it up and keep users interested. Radio is a less expensive way to reinforce your brand, but is much less trackable to see a return for your money.

Having multiple print campaigns, ie: magazines, postcards, brochures is going to also help assist your brand engagement by new and returning clients. They will take action as they see your brand in multiple locations and see that your brand or service is a speciality in that area. Print can be harder to track unless you have a specific URL the user needs to type in to get to a landing page, but is very helpful in building brand awareness.

To learn more on brand building, contact Danks Designs.

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